BIQA charges a 15£ listing fee that includes listing, evaluation, and presentation. This is non-refundable.
Commission is 15 % of the hammer price – nothing for unsold. Insurance is charged at 1,75% of the hammer price. V.A.T. is charged at 20% only on our charges above (N.B. not on the total hammer price).
BIQA charges a maximum fee of 10£ transport fee for getting goods to Scandinavia. If goods is sold at home market this fee is not applicable.
Payment: Full payment upon delivery to our depo. minus our fees.
Conditions of Acceptance
BIQA act only as agent (save as hereinafter appears) of the person or persons (in these Conditions called the Seller) that sells their product through BIQAs services. The Seller warrants BIQA that he is entitled to sell.
The property in a lot shall not pass to the Buyer until he has paid the purchase price in full but the lot shall be at the Buyer's risk in all respects from the fall of the hammer.
BIQA shall have complete discretion as to whether or not to offer for sale or not and as to:
(a) whether the property is suitable for sale by them and as to the manner in which the sale shall be conducted;
(b) the description of the property in their catalogue or other literature;
(c) seeking the views of any experts.
All relevant information shall be passed to BIQA prior to listing. The Seller is fully responsible for the description of the object, unrecorded damages, false information etc. that seriously compromise the evaluation of the object could lead to that BIQA completely cancel the transaction upon delivery of the object to BIQAs warehouse and quality control.
The Seller shall not bid for his property or employ any person to bid for him save that he may impose a reserve in which case the Auctioneer alone shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller.
Once entered for sale, lots may be withdrawn by the Seller only upon payment of a withdrawal fee of a minimum of twenty five pounds sterling plus any cost incurred (subject to V.A.T. at the standard rate).
The Seller must give BIQA all relevant information as to his V.A.T. status with regard to the article sold which he warrants to be correct and upon which BIQA shall be entitled to rely. Once a lot has been designated in the sale catalogue on the basis of such information no alteration so as to affect the liability to V.A.T. can be made.
The conditions constitute together with the matters set on the receipt form the entire agreement between BIQA and the Seller.
Att sälja genom BIQA
BIQA har varit leverantörer till auktionshus i både U.K. och Sverige, vi känner till auktionsformens fördelar och nackdelar.
Därför har vi utvecklat vår egen affärsmodell för Dig som enkelt, säkert och lönsamt vill avyttra konst eller antikviteter.
Vad är då vårt erbjudande?
betald och Köparen vill inte betala pengar utan objekt. Med vårt betalningssystem är båda parter helt försäkrade att affären löper riskfrit.
undviker på så vis detta problem. Säljaren har ett stort ansvar, men vår kvalitetsäkring vid listning samt leverans undviker du att misstag sker och Köpare blir besvikna.
Liten eller stor, alla är välkomna till BIQA. Kontakta oss för att veta mer om våra villkor samt intressanta erbjudanden.